Sagging Floor Joists Sagging Floor Leveling?

Sagging floor leveling? - sagging floor joists

Hello everyone, I am doing in Need Advice and Y'self.
I have an arrow in the middle of my house, which is assigned to the kitchen
and dimensions bedroom.Kitchen adjacent room / bedroom is 14x12, and a part of the beam 13x12.A fallen beams and curved slightly twisted / but not
This was in May, everything is in the central section of the beam.
The wooden beams on the side of the room and especially the
Bathroom sink below are some, but not bad.Same
side.I kitchen and administration with a little help
has bars on both sides spread Jacks
at both ends of the beam and the term commences level.The lower
the beam in the center of the plant and also the length of the two
sides.I not started this introduction yet.Do
right? How many post, I am dealing with both sides, 30x30 house? Tomas is 20 tons I each.Should Jack
the one hand, while my assistant or the other side
time.Do that one a jack and then the other the same way?


witnessp... said...

insert with screw jacks in the middle, then to the existing docks shimage

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