Chemo Anemia Another ICD-9 Inpatient Hospital Coding Scenario I Need Guidance On. Any Hospital Coders Out There?

Another ICD-9 inpatient hospital coding scenario I need guidance on. Any hospital coders out there? - chemo anemia

Female 71 years old. Breast CA diagnosed as amended in 1972 (returning to the mastectomy, were taken up at 73 and treated with chemo.1989 being watched, anemic. Felt a bone marrow biopsy compatible with a myelodysplastic syndrome of unknown type. Prsesnted the patient's clinical Today 'hui Hematology Today (weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath. H & H, 3.4 and 10.5, respectively. authorized by blood transfusion. orthostatic patients. Problem 1) and myelodysplastic syndrome bone marrow failure. The blood of the cross matched with the type of HX and because of transfusion medicine and the patient had built antibodies against RHE. Problem 2) The fluid overload. Problem 3) refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts.I coded for the MDS, I also code for the failure of the bone marrow? or is it just a symptom of MDS? I coded for fluid overload and refractory anemia and ringed sideroblasts. I also have a blood transfusion as part of the encoding process. Do I have the code for mastectomy status message (which I can not find a code) and chemotherapy? I think I should probably be the last code chemotherapy contributed to anemia. But eey are not really a problem for visiting! Finally, I am the code for the type and cross under I-Procedure Code and the fact that they are Rh-negative? Thank you!


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